Types of Quotes

Types of Quotes

Quotes are more than just words on a page they have the power to change your life and the way that you think about something.  Some are meant to inspire others are pearls of wisdom, and we could all do with a bit of that.  There is no shortage of famous quotes from authors, politicians, and the great philosophers of the ages.  We have famous quotes on everything from success, food, friendship, leadership, life, and everything under the sun.  But for now, let’s talk about the most common types of quotes.

Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes are probably the most common quotes you will see. Mostly they are wise words spoken by great people relating to their experiences with life.  By reading these quotes, they are meant to motivate you and inspire you to do better and put you on the path to fulfilling your dreams.  There are valuable life lessons to be found in these quotes as well.

Quotes About Love

If you ever wished you had the perfect romantic thing to say to the one you love?  That is where quotes about love come in, rather than getting tongue-tied trying to be a poet then rely on the words of those who are far better at it than you.  These types of quotes are searched all the time by lovers or by people who are in love with the idea of falling in love.  You can send that perfect message to the one you love anytime you want to.

Funny Quotes

We are all overworked, underpaid, and completely stressed out; everyone has troubles they would love to forget for just a few minutes.  Funny quotes can help you do that; they can make you smile in the middle of a bad day.  They are fun to share with friends and family and to inspire someone else to have a quick laugh too.

Life Quotes

Life quotes are short little quips meant to emphasize the lighter side of life; they are very similar to inspirational quotes only they are not necessarily focused on success as much as seeing the positive side of life.  These types of quotes while they do inspire you, they are also meant to amuse and convey a cheery attitude and outlook on life.

These are the most common types of quotes that you will see, most of them will show up in your Facebook feed at some point.  Everybody loves sharing a good quote.